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A Message from the EFSLE President

Rishi Photo

Rishikesh Kumar Singh

Ecosophical Foundation for the Study of Literature and Environment (EFSLE) is a unique platform where all the ecocritics, environmentalists, social scientists, researchers, eco-poets, artists, activists and the one who cares for environment all merge. However, this is not ONLY the environment…it is comprised of Literature, Gender and Human Rights as well. So, this represents all the aspects of an individual’s life and also studies, analyses and interprets the factors, causes and consequences evolved in the course of time. This is LEGH (Literature, Environment, Gender and Human Rights) an amalgamation of varied cultures, histories, geographies, philosophies and ecologies. Yes, the soul is environment incorporating with others. LEGH is not simply an ideology rather it paves a way for creation, expression, revolution and rejuvenation…a viaduct between Nature and Humans.