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Dr. Avinash Y. Badgujar

Dr. Avinash Y. Badgujar, grew up at Dharangaon and graduated at M J College, Jalgaon and stood first in North Maharashtra University. His hobbies are reading, writing and practicing Yoga. He is currently an Asst. Professor of English at Arts, Commerce and Science College, Varangaon. He is a Secretary of Sunit’s Institute of English Language, literature and Research, Member of Board of Studies in English, Member of Five Years Perspective Plan Committee of North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon and Executive Council member of ABRSM. He has organized three International and one National Conferences at Jalgaon. He has authored two and edited seven books, presented 17 papers in International and 30 papers in National Conferences. He has guided 07 students for PhD. He has worked as an IQAC/NAAC Coordinator, as a visiting faculty in several P G Colleges and University. His area of interest is Literary Theories and Linguistics.