+91-9953833313 / 9891242768 info@efsle.org

Dr. Namita Laxmi Jagaddeb

Dr. Namita Laxmi Jagaddeb has been serving as a lecturer in English in Mahima Degree College, Bijapali, Jharsuguda, Odisha since 1977. A member of World Nations Writers’ Union, Kazhakstan, she writes poems in Odia and English on a variety of themes, marked for elegance in style and intimacy of appeal. She also translates Odia poems into English and English poems into Odia. Her poems appear in the literary journals of the State and in International anthologies. She is associated with “Rock Pebbles”, a UGC approved, peer reviewed journal of language and literature as Chief Sub-Editor. She is also a Life Member of

  1. Balavanta Parekh Centre for General Semantics and other Human Sciences, Baroda,
  2. OUCIP, Hyderabad

Both are dedicated to sharing and disseminating views and opinions on contemporary critical issues.

She has been participating and presenting Research papers in different National and International Seminars and Conferences in India and abroad. Her writings focus, among other things, the importance of English language in a multi-linguistic Indian society, the need for value based education for the youth in the context of globalisation, fostering fellow-feeling, awareness of ecology, love for nature and the non-human. She has been awarded Bharat Ratna Indira Gandhi Gold Medal in 2018.

She is a lifetime member of EFSLE and she has also been appointed as one of the Coordinators for its Odisha Region.