+91-9953833313 / 9891242768 info@efsle.org

Gulmohan  Kaur

Gulmohan  Kaur, an enthusiast and a naturalist from a small village of Fatehabad district of Haryana State, dreams of achieving the ends with her dedication and hard work. She is an M. Phil. in Comparative Literature from the Central University of Punjab and has a deep down a desire of becoming a well known professor in English Literature. She is currently working as a school teacher teaching English in Akal Academy and is trying to create an environment in her classes so that the students are not only helped in with their English skills but are encouraged to learn and use their own mother languages as so many languages are on the verge of becoming extinct. She is also a compassionate person and has loads of both sympathy and empathy with the animals. She really wants to work for the benefits of animals and their rights. She also wants to research on the relationship of animals and humans and create awareness among people that animals do feel pain and love their lives just as we do. She is also very much concerned about the declining levels of the ground water. Above all she is a compassionate person who believes in doing good for others.

She is a lifetime member of EFSLE and also an Executive Council Member (ECM) for its Punjab Region.