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Anup Sharma

Anup Sharma is an Assistant Professor and a co-founder member of the Department of English, Shri Ramasamy Memorial (SRM) University, Sikkim. He has an MA and an MPhil in English. His MPhil dissertation was titled “Politics of the Queer in India: Space(s) and text(s)” where he investigated the trajectories of political representations of queer identities in various spaces and texts in the Indian context.  Currently, he is pursuing a research in which he attempts to question the cultural construct of kinship that privileges and protects the heterosexual family and marginalizes non-heteronormative identities and their modes of belonging. He attempts to study queer kinships in writings from South Asia as belongings and as repetitions of performative behaviour which create counter-hegemonic and affective spaces for dependencies among queers. Anup Sharma has presented papers in various national and international seminars. His research interests are gender and sexuality studies, Indian queer narratives, postcolonial studies and environmental literary studies.

He is a lifetime member of EFSLE and also he has been appointed as one of the Executive Council Members (ECM) for its Sikkim Region.