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Annie Jane C Mawkhiew

Annie Jane C Mawkhiew is a PhD Scholar at the Department of English, North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya (Tura Campus).  She holds a Master’s degree in English. She was a former teacher at Stephen Memorial Secondary School, Shillong (Meghalaya), where she taught literature and language. Her research topic is on “The Politics of Representation in the Prophetic Writings of Paulo Coelho, Friedrich Nietzsche and Khalil Gibran”. She has attended National Seminar on “Re-interpretation of the Past: The Discourse of Cultural Identity in South Asia” at Dept of English, NEHU Shillong, attended workshop on “Facilitation of Innovation and Commercialisation by Intellectual Property Rights” at Dept of English, NEHU Tura Campus.  Participated UGC International Conference on “Re-Thinking Environment: Literature, Ethics and Praxis” at Dept of English, Berhampur University, Odisha India. Participated International Conference on “Why Ecocriticism?” at Dept of English, Sikkim Govt. College Tadong, East Sikkim.